Date(s) - 07/03/2024 - 11/03/2024
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Pragati Maidan
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New Delhi is set to play host to the Aahar 2024 International Food & Hospitality Fair. This annual event is meant to educate and inform the industry partners in the processed food and hospitality sectors about the latest trends and developments within the industry. As travel and tourism continues to expand globally, with hundreds of millions of people taking one or more trips every year, this trade fair has evolved into a great networking opportunity.
Aahar 2024
Attendees will be able to effectively generate new leads for their business, while gaining a closer relationship with their customers. This is proving to be an effective and dynamic way of marketing within this growing and evolving industry. There will be exhibits focused on bar accessories, all types of hotel linens and accessories, cutlery, food packaging equipment, bakery items, and so much more. If it is related to hospitality and food, one will find it on display at the International Food and Hospitality Fair.
Aahar 2024 Organizers, Venue & Schedule
Aahar is organized by ITPO, supported by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries and Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority in association with ARCHI, AIFPA and HOTREMAI. The fair is scheduled to be held at the Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from March 7, 2024 to March 11, 2024
Aaahar 2024 Manpower Hostesses Users Stall Girls Assistants Jobs
Exhibiting at the Aahar 2024? Have you hired any hostesses / promoters / assistants / temporary manpower to represent your business at the fair? Find most suitable exhibition staff right here, filter from more than 25,000 profiles based on the criteria you have in hand such as age, gender, education, experience & skills. Eventzia has been serving exhibitors like you since 2011, we work at almost every event / exhibition happening at the Pragati Maidan.
Call or write to us for a quote or to discuss your requirement.
I am interested for this event.I have vast experience in promoting events.I have been a part of IFFI SIRI FORT,PERFECT HEALTH MELA,PROMITNG PRODUCTS AT SELECT CITY WALK NEW DELHI.
how can i register for pre businesses owner ?
I am interested. Please contact.
I am interested. Please Contact
I am also the former student of IHM new Delhi and I am available for this event kindly contact me for the booking of my dates. Thank you,warm regards,
Ansh. From New Delhi .
I’m very interested in this event because I have food and nutrition as a subject and it will be a great experience for me to volunteer here
I m currently pursuing food and nutrition. So i m very much interested..
Interested. Please consider.
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Hi I am ready for this event kinldy reverte asap please. Thanks regards.
i am intrested to do this event for sure.
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Hlw sir
I m interested contact me
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I am interested.
I am Interested in this event.
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I am interested please contact me
I am interested. Please contact me
i am interested.
I need I his work urg I have done 7 of events in NCR
i am interested for this event
i am interested
hey,i am interested for this event!
I Am Interested.
I am interested for this event
I’m interested to do the event.Please calibrate if required.
I m looking forward to work in this event let me know earliest if my profile is suitable
I’m interested to do the event. Let me know if my profile is suitable.
I am looking forward to work in this event.
Please guide me to enroll for this.
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M interesting this job
I am interested to be a part of this event. Please calibrate if required.
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i am interested in this activity.please let me know if my profile suitable for this job.
i m interested.
I’m interested
I’m interested for this event
M interested for this event
I m intrested
I m interested for this event.
I am interested. please contact for the same.
I am interested.